Community Services
Providing the necessary support service: In the home. In the community. In step with the goals, needs, and desires of each person and their families.
Lifetime Assistance provides a variety of supports to help people live their lives as they choose. Each service is tailored to the person, giving them the ability to control their services and make their own choices.
Community Habilitation
The mission of this service is to provide families and people who live in the community with the life-skills training necessary to live and work independently. Utilizing community resources, we provide:
- Opportunities and choices for community-based learning.
- Opportunities to participate in a college learning environment.
- Transportation assistance.
- Comprehensive parent training.
- Family support and planning based on each person’s needs and goals.
Family Reimbursement Program
The Lifetime Assistance Foundation grants funds to families who care for their loved ones at home. Examples include:
- Family reimbursed respite
- Gym Memberships
- Swim Lessons
- Music Lessons
- Museum Memberships
In-Home Respite Services
Lifetime Assistance In-Home Respite Services allows family members a needed break from the often-overwhelming responsibility of caring for a loved one with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Lifetime Assistance Preventive Services provides specialized services to families in order to prevent the need for foster care placement, and to decrease incidences of indicated Child Protective cases.
Housing Subsidy
The Housing Subsidy Program supports individuals who choose to live independently in the community and who meet program eligibility. This program supports people to live as independently in the community as possible by helping with housing costs.