Other Ways to Give
Lifetime Assistance is grateful for the community’s generosity and support. Your thoughtful gifts allow us to invest in programs that enhance and enrich the lives of the people we support. Lifetime Assistance accepts contributions in many forms, a few of which are below.
Annual Appeal
While donations are accepted throughout the year, Lifetime Assistance runs a focused fundraising appeal each fall to support general agency needs. These gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one.
You can make a gift honoring someone important to you or a meaningful occasion – such as an anniversary, a birthday, or a milestone. Your donation may also be made to remember a loved one or individual who has impacted your life. If you choose to provide their contact information, we will notify the honoree and/or their family of your tribute.
Corporate Sponsorship
Lifetime Assistance is grateful for the partnership from so many generous and community-minded corporations and organizations. This incredible support encourages collaboration and increases awareness within our community as we work together to empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
United Way
Please consider designating Lifetime Assistance (#238) as a recipient of your annual United Way contributions.
To learn more about supporting Lifetime Assistance:
Jasmine DiSalvo, Director of Foundation and Communications